CBR600RR at Le Castellet Circuit

Yes yes yes!!! Out on my own bike. It’s a great ride. Tight and sharp. Easy to hug the tank and ride with my legs. Head down, arms bent. A much closer feeling with the road surface than the SX. Ironically it’s easier to ride the small bike fast: that twist and go, lazy riding style of the Z1000SX with bags of easy power and its comfortable ride comes at too high a price in terms of loss of feel with the road and lack of confidence in the brakes.
Just a short circuit of Le Mont Saint Baume, so Le Castellet, Méounes and l’Espigoulier (723 m.), is quite a sporty workout that includes all the elements of road riding.Then down and back to Marseille for lunch, reassured. The Z1000SX got me to summercamp and the Eastern Alps in farway Austria but what a great welcome home from my RR. Also, I think I prefer red, white and blue!